COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test Kit (Colloidal Gold)
Professional Test Kit Contents:
1. Test Cassette
2. Antigen Extraction Tube with beater
3. Antigen Extract Reagent R1
4. Swab
5. Instruction for Use
This test kit uses COVID-19 monoclonal antibody and goat anti-mouse IgG polyclonal antibodies that are respectively immo- bilized on a nitrocellulose membrane. It uses colloidal gold to label sufficient COVID-19 monoclonal antibody. Using nano-col- loidal gold technology and applying highly specific antibody-anti- gen reaction and immunochromatographic analysis technology principle.
When testing, the novel coronavirus antigen in the sample combined with the colloidal gold-labeled COVID-19 monoclonal antibody to form a complex, which was then combined with the COVID-19 monoclonal antibody coated in the T line during chromatography, at this time there is one red line in the T area .When the samples do not contain novel coronavirus antigen, colloidal gold-labeled COVID-19 monoclonal antibody cannot combined with COVID-19 monoclonal antibody in the T line region, so there is no red colored line in the T area .
Regard- less of the presence of novel coronavirus antigen in the sample, a red line will form in the quality control area (C). The red line appears in the quality control area (C) serves as: 1.verification that sufficient volume is added. 2.that proper flow is obtained 3. and as a control for the reagents.
In our manufacturing arena, we focus on maintaining superior purity in our products. Dust free clean rooms, maintained to the medical grade standards, ensures the delivery of safe and pure medical swabs.
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